
Well, I am living abroad...yet again. After Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Korea the Netherlands (and returning to Spain for a Masters) I've unpacked my backpack a little closer to home in Mexico. I live in Culiacan where I am trying my hand at teaching English to University and high school students. Below you'll find random updates as I go to festivals, explore my city or just feel like sharing a random story.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Shoes, Cell Phones and Light Bulbs

Hey everyone!!!

OK so fast blog just to keep you updated on what's going on in my life.

I officially have December 20th-Jan rd off from work, plus one more miscellaneous day to be decided later, so if anyone is planning a visit to Korea let me know so I can make that one day when you are here.

I also found out that during summer camp I don't need to stay on campus until 5:00, THANK GOD! I get to leave at 2:00. So during the summer my schedule in 9:00-2:00 with the students leaving at 12:10...except for the third week where they leave at 1:00...but I get that Fridau off, so it's all good :-)

I am still working on summer camp but I am really happy with the general way things are planned, I just need some mmore games and to make the powerpoints, worksheets, etc.

Other than staying busy planning summer camp I also have a very active social life. Why, just the other day I invited my friend (actually he's a Peck as well who has taken to calling me his wife, really i don't nag THAT much) over to help me change my bathroom light bulb.

Now really Carissa, you can't change a bloody light bulb? I can, really I can!! But, I couldn't take the light shade, I guess you'd call it, off the wall. In my defense even after David came over it took us a butter knife, high heeled shoe, and about an hour to get the damn thing off the wall.

Tomorrow I go to get my phone (since the last was was...erm...lost) I might get to go bowling tomorrow, we'll see how long it takes to get my phone. Friday night a friend comes over so that we can head to the mud festival together YAY for lots of mud this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, when you have time...h in the world is a mu festial? And what's with you and phones?
