
Well, I am living abroad...yet again. After Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Korea the Netherlands (and returning to Spain for a Masters) I've unpacked my backpack a little closer to home in Mexico. I live in Culiacan where I am trying my hand at teaching English to University and high school students. Below you'll find random updates as I go to festivals, explore my city or just feel like sharing a random story.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Well....it is DECEMBER

I got in a bit of a funk the other day...it's cold...and I have gotten in the groove of teaching so its no longer a daily challenge...and this is not what I want to do for another year... who knows maybe its because I am just a nomadic soul, or maybe my co-teacher is driving me crazy :-)

But with my eyes set forward in what is yet to come I started a countdown

I am about 67% done, only one third left
127 more days total
53 more teaching days (not counting winter camp)
15 more weekends
8 more teachers classes (my least favorite class as you all know)

Well...when I look at it that way ... I am SAD! I don't want to leave Korea so sooon :(


Katie Harding said...

I didn't know that you have a Blog!!!! YAY!!!! I think that it is sooo cool that you travel so much! I remember in high school, I asked you what you wanted to do after graduation and the first thing you said was "travel." Way to follow your dreams!!! I hope you are loving Korea (even though it's snowing). I 'm so happy for you! Are you learning any new languages??

Paul Trausner said...

Hey Carissa,
you Cali girls are the best! ;)
I copied your "people care" feature, mabe then more people comment on my blog =)
so you have one third left. what is the next country you will go to?
take care, Paul

Rachelle said...

oh my god...seriously carissa I know what ur going through...you just cant get warm enough...I went out and bought 3 pairs of boots yesterday...i just couldnt take it any longer...but Im taking a short trip home for christmas...decided christmas only happens once a year so it should be spent with family...and i know how you feel about not liking the job part...im kinda hating being an au pair...who knew but I love the netherlands...every thing in life is a trade off i guess.
