
Well, I am living abroad...yet again. After Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Korea the Netherlands (and returning to Spain for a Masters) I've unpacked my backpack a little closer to home in Mexico. I live in Culiacan where I am trying my hand at teaching English to University and high school students. Below you'll find random updates as I go to festivals, explore my city or just feel like sharing a random story.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Suwon :-)

I am writing you from my school in Suwon....but lets backtrack a day or so.

Thursday morning: 5:00am wake up, brush my teeth, pack my toothbrush, head to the airport. Tell the lady at the counter that my work visa is a work visa and I do not need to have a return ticket. Yes I realize that my visa is written in korean, but it says E-2, that's an English teaching visa...I think she finally believed me.

Make it through security, and wait... board my plane, watch some episodes of 30 rock. and enjoy a water. De-board exit the airport go to the Singapore airline counter, spend 5 minutes looking for my baggage stickers. Go through security AGAIN. Buy a water and a pen ($6 yeesh!) and go to my boarding area to wait.

Wait...wait...wait...read..wait...wait...read....wait...aha! Two and a half hours later! I board find my seat put my luggage in the overhead bin and stretch out. The whole row was mine! I then read, watched P.S. I love you, that Jonny Depp barber movie...Teeny Swodd? Sweeny Tod? Tod Sweeny...blanking, the beginning of I am legend since Brandon and I saw the end at the drive in, the start of atonement, and...oh August Rush VERY CUTE!

I also had tomato juice, water, wine, orange juice, wine, water, water, water, water, water, apple juice, water, and a tea, lunch, dinner, three snacks and an ice cream sandwich.

I hoarded/was given a knife and two spoons, three toothbrushes, a razor and shaving cream, a very comfy airplane blanket, chocolate candy bar, some peanuts, and a pair of socks.

I arrived was greeted by my saint of a co-teacher Ji-Yeon and her friend(my department head)...I forgot her name. She got me on a bus to my apartment, took me on a taxi to my apartment and then into my apartment.

I LOVE it. Even the fact I have bright pink floral sheets is amazing (with matching slippers) my bathroom and kitchen sink are dirty, but I'll clean tomorrow.

I need: hangers, sponges, and...a washcloth for my face (which I almsot took from the airplane abut didn't).

I have: iron, toaster, microwave, rice cooker, fridge(which currently has peanuts and a chocolate bar in it), washer, clothes line, couch, tv(no english channels yet), the ability to steal internet usually from someone, stove, desk, bookshelves, closet, dining table, and...umm...door with three locks.

I am a 15 minute walk from school...and I am sure to get lost.

There is a bakery nearby though so I will not starve.

Oh and my co teacher brought me milk, water, and bread :-)

Oh and I was so frazzled this morning I wore two different shoes :-(

At least I get to wear sandals in the classroom so no one knows :-)

Oh and my Korean sucks!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love August Rush. I bought the soundtrack and it's one of the best commercialistic buys I've ever made.

Oh yeah, I'm really jealous of you!!
