
Well, I am living abroad...yet again. After Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Korea the Netherlands (and returning to Spain for a Masters) I've unpacked my backpack a little closer to home in Mexico. I live in Culiacan where I am trying my hand at teaching English to University and high school students. Below you'll find random updates as I go to festivals, explore my city or just feel like sharing a random story.

Monday, March 31, 2008


My loving parents got me an IPod Nano for my graduation so I've been transferring some of my, learn Korean pod-casts to my new fangled contraption. Some of the podcasts are very good...some not so much:

Learn Korean: The best for learning hangul (the Korean alphabet) is actually a very outdated(2006) no longer updated. It comes in video form and has practice sets. It has three lessons, vowels, constanats, and numbers. http://koreanpod.podomatic.com/rss2.xml

Korean Diary: It is not a great grammar tool as it just gives you a new word or phrase every day but I find it helps me with my hangul as well as I see the hangul and hear the word so I can associate sounds with shapes. Plus it slowly develops my vocabulary. http://feeds.feedburner.com/5StarDreams

Sparkling Korean: This is way above me right now, but I like the way they use real things (fairy tales, slang and movies). The "teacher" also goes at a pace I enjoy and I feel covers grammar and pronunciation equally. Plus he doesn't pretend to laugh and make very lame jokes as most podcasts do. It is probably because he is on his own and not with a partner. http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/OtQT

Survival Phrases: This is a decent blogspot that covers minor grammar but the "teacher" covers grammar, culture and important phrases. Grantes this is much more like a phrase book than a text book. It is no longer updated, and has 15 lessons. http://survivalphrases.com/korean/feed

Berkley Korean: I enjoy the concept of having two podcasts, one for native heritage learners and one for Korean as a foreign language learner. It is not longer updated and contains around 5 lessons, but the heavy use of the korean language makes it something I enjoy listening to, I just don't understand it and would probably be better off downloading Korean songs.

Kimchi girls: I am torn on these ladies. On one hand they are very good at slowing down there speech and repetition, yet for me I still get the feeling that they are going too quickly. Granted I am a very very basic beginner. They overact a little but are mildly entertaining and they do a good job of explaining what they are doing. http://kimchigirls.libsyn.com/rss/

Korean Class 101: They have beginner lessons, newbie lessons, intermediate lessons, audio blogs, picture vocab, and idiom and phrases. Their newbie lessons are just phrases with little emphasis on grammar. It is useful because you can pick any lesson without having a listened to the previous ones and still make sense of it. Unlike intermediate and beginner lessons which build upon each consecutive lesson. http://www.koreanclass101.com/wp-feed-audio-video.php

If anyone is trying to pick up Korean I would highly recommend listening to podcasts. They are usually native Korean speakers so the words are pronounced well and they make a sincere effort to teach to you not above you. Depending on what you are looking for there is bound to be a podcast for you.




Anonymous said...

So much for the outside of the cup, in this
sense, as the inside of his has already long been mine as well,
along with basically the very same reasons why. Rita was even "legally" CHEATED out of her mother's life insurance,
based on the CHEAP TECHNICALITY, thanks to a BUREAUCRATIC ERROR, if nothing more viciously collusive of the insurance company itself (a
Texas-based operation), that her deceased sister constituted the only officially-designated beneficiary.
When tensions rose during the intifada of 2000 and the Second Lebanon War of July 2006, security relations with Turkey remained

Anonymous said...

You could talk as much as you want without the need to worry
about hhow much your phone bill is going to be.

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